Havin’ the craic in Ireland: The Cliffs of Moher

This was easily my favourite part of Ireland, from what I got to see in two days. We got up at a ghastly early hour in the morning to catch a 6:50 am bus tour to drive across Ireland to the west coast. The morning grogginess was well worth it, though, because the cliffs and the coastline were like nothing I have ever seen before.

The Cliffs of Moher are quite famous. I’m not a big movie-watcher, so it was unusual for me to recognize the titles that have been filmed here. The “Cliffs of Insanity” in The Princess Bride are actually the Cliffs of Moher. Similarly, the these cliffs appear in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince when Dumbledore takes Harry to the cave to find the locket.

There’s not much more to say about these awesome cliffs. My camera couldn’t capture their immensity and rugged beauty. Turquoise gray waters, salty wind, the sound of waves crashing below, and a massive expanse of ocean stretching out into the horizon. I couldn’t get enough of it– magnificent!